How to Install XWiki with Nginx Reverse Proxy on Ubuntu

Install XWiki on Ubuntu

XWiki is an easy, compact, and efficient wiki platform that enables you to tailor the wiki to fit unique requirements. It is implemented in Java & operates on JBoss or Tomcat-based servlet containers. XWiki is an easy and intuitive online frontend that allows you to generate and organize data from every gadget or search engine. WYSIWYG edit, OpenDocument-based file import/export, tagging, version control, sophisticated wiki syntax, comprehensive search capability, and much more are just a few of the tools included. We’ll demonstrate how to set up XWiki on Ubuntu 20.04 throughout this guide.

Install XWiki on Ubuntu

At the very start, you need to update your system. For that purpose, log in from the Ubuntu 20.04 system and launch the command terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T. After that, execute the below command, followed by the Enter key. You have to add your sudo password to update your system. Add your password and sit back until the updates get completed.

$ sudo apt update

Update packages

Install Java

As you know, XWiki cannot be used without java, hence you need to set up java in your system first. You can use the below-cited command in the shell to install it.

$ sudo apt-get install default-jdk gnupg2 -y

Install JAVA

After the configuration of java, you can check its installed version on your system via the below version query.

$ java --version

Check java version

You need to log in as a root to do further operations. Hence, use the below command to do so. Add your password upon request.

$ sudo su

Become root user

Install Xwiki

Now, we need to add the XWiki repository to our system. But, firstly we have to add the GPG key by using the below query. It will output “OK”.

# wget –q -O- | apt-key add -

Download XWiki repo key

Now, add the XWiki repository in your system, using the below instructions in the shell.

# sudo wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Add XWiki repo

You can see the XWiki repository has been added successfully.

Adding Ubuntu repository

Update your system once again.

# sudo apt update

Update packages

Search for the available XWiki packages:

# apt-cache search xwiki

Locate XWiki package

We have been installing the XWiki-tomcat9-common package and xwiki-tomcat9-mariadb package using the below-stated apt query.

# sudo apt install xwiki-tomcat9-common xwiki-tomcat9-mariadb -y

Install Ubuntu package for XWiki

After a long time of execution, the configuration screen for the XWiki database will be popped up as below. It may ask you if you want to configure the database or not. Select “Yes” and press Enter to continue configuring XWiki mariadb-common.

Configuring XWiki

It requires you to add a new password for your new database server. Add your password, and select “OK” followed by the Enter key.

MySQL password

Enter your password again, select “OK”, and press Enter button to continue.

Confirm password

After the successful configuration, we can check the status of the tomcat service if it’s active or not. Hence, try out the below systemctl command to do so. You can view the output that shows the tomcat has been active and running perfectly.

# systemctl status tomcat9.service

Check Tomcat status

We can check that the tomcat has been working on a port 8080, using the below instruction:

# ss –antpl | grep 8080

The output below is showing the output of tomcat listening to port 8080.

Check port

Now, we have to install the Nginx proxy server, using the below query in our shell.

# apt-get install nginx -y

Install Nginx

After the installation of the proxy server, we need to update the xwiki configuration file, by opening it using the below command.

# nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/xwiki.conf

Create Nginx XWiki configuration file

Add the following lines of configuration in the nano file. Save the updated file with Ctrl+S and quit via Ctrl+X.

Proxy vhost

Use the below instruction to activate Nginx.

# ln –s /etc/nginx/sites-available/xwiki.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Enable new Nginx configuration file

Open the configuration file for Nginx:

# sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Edit nginx conf

Change the bucket size as below.

Change bucket size

Restart the Nginx service.

# systemctl restart nginx

Restart Nginx


You can launch the Xwiki web interface using your web browser e.g. Mozilla, and using the URL of XWiki e.g.

Categorized as Ubuntu