Rspamd LUA Script to log Email Size

Rspamd is a high-performance, open-source spam filtering system designed to protect email systems from spam, phishing, malware, and other email-borne threats. It uses a wide variety of sophisticated techniques, including machine learning, statistical analysis, regular expressions, and reputation systems, to assess and score emails for potential threats. Rspamd is known for its flexibility, speed, and low resource consumption, making it suitable for high-throughput environments. It can be integrated with various mail servers, such as Postfix and Exim, and allows for granular configuration through LUA scripting, enabling administrators to customize filtering rules and actions based on specific needs. Rspamd also supports distributed scanning and can work in conjunction with other email security systems, enhancing its ability to provide comprehensive protection against evolving email threats.

This tutorial will show how to write a LUA script for Rspamd that logs the “from” email address, “to” email address, and size of the email to a custom log file located in /var/log/rspamd/.


  1. The script hooks into the postfilter event.
  2. It extracts the required details (from, to, and size) from the email message.
  3. It writes the information to a custom log file located at /var/log/rspamd/custom_email_log.log.

LUA Script:

-- LUA script for Rspamd to log email details (from, to, size) to a custom log file

local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
local lfs = require "lfs"

-- Define the log file location
local log_file_path = "/var/log/rspamd/custom_email_log.log"

-- Function to write to the log file
local function log_to_file(log_entry)
  local file, err =, "a")
  if not file then
    rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "Failed to open log file: %1", err)

  file:write(log_entry .. "\n")

-- Hook into the postfilter phase to capture email details after processing
  -- Get the 'from' address
  local from = task:get_from('smtp')
  local from_address = from and from[1] and from[1]['addr'] or 'unknown'

  -- Get the 'to' address
  local to = task:get_recipients('smtp')
  local to_address = to and to[1] and to[1]['addr'] or 'unknown'

  -- Get the email size
  local size = task:get_size() or 0

  -- Create log entry
  local log_entry = string.format("From: %s, To: %s, Size: %d bytes", from_address, to_address, size)

  -- Write to the custom log file

-- Ensure the directory exists (optional, in case the directory might not be created)
local function ensure_log_dir_exists()
  local log_dir = "/var/log/rspamd"
  if not lfs.attributes(log_dir, "mode") then
    local success, err = lfs.mkdir(log_dir)
    if not success then
      rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "Failed to create log directory: %1", err)

-- Initialize log directory check


  1. Logging Function (log_to_file): The function log_to_file opens the custom log file in append mode and writes a new entry containing the from email address, to email address, and the size of the email.
  2. Postfilter Hook: The script hooks into the postfilter phase using register_post_filter. This ensures that the logging happens after the email has been processed by Rspamd. Inside the function, it retrieves the sender (from) and recipient (to) email addresses and the size of the email. If the values are unavailable, default values are used.
  3. Directory Check (ensure_log_dir_exists): The ensure_log_dir_exists function checks if the /var/log/rspamd/ directory exists, and if not, attempts to create it. This step is optional but can help prevent errors in cases where the directory might not already exist.
  4. Logging Format: The log entry is formatted as a string and written to the log file. Each log entry is on a new line.


Ensure that the Rspamd user (typically rspamd or nobody) has the necessary permissions to write to /var/log/rspamd/. You may need to adjust the permissions of the directory or file:

sudo chown -R rspamd:rspamd /var/log/rspamd
sudo chmod 755 /var/log/rspamd

This script can be added to the /etc/rspamd/local.d/ or /etc/rspamd/override.d/ configuration directories, depending on how you prefer to manage your customizations.