How to Install BpyTop Resource Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu

As a Linux system administrator, it is a challenging task to closely monitor system resources. With detailed knowledge of the system, users can take appropriate action in the event of changes to system resources or problems during process execution. There are various tools for monitoring all system/server resources in the Linux environment. BpyTOP is one of the most popular terminal-based tools for managing system resources such as memory, disks, networks, processors and system processes. Users who use the bashtop utility can use the same functions in BpyTOP. BpyTOP is written in Python and has a game-inspired theme. The tool is a port of bashtop and supports macOS, GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. In this article we will show you how to install the system resource monitoring tool bpytop on the Ubuntu 20.04 system using all possible methods.

Installing the BpyTOP on Ubuntu

BpyTOP can be installed on the Ubuntu 20.04 system using various methods:

  1. Install BpyTOP via the Ubuntu repository
  2. Install BpyTOP via the Python PIP
  3. Install BpyTOP by compiling from source code via the Git repository
  4. Installing BpyTOP with the snap application

Today we will discuss all the methods for installing the BpyTOP tool on the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system. Let’s go through each method in detail!

Installing the required module dependencies

Launch the terminal window with the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Alt+t”. Log in as root user on the Ubuntu system and install the required modules “python3” and “Psutil module”. Python3 is already pre-installed on most Ubuntu distributions. So check the installed version by executing the command below:

$ python3 --version

Check installed python version

Now install the “psutil module”. This module can be installed with the python-pip tool. Install the “psutil” module by executing the command below:

$ pip3 install psutil

Once all required modules are installed on Ubuntu 20.04, install the resource monitoring program BpyTOP on your system.

Method 1: Install BpyTOP via the package manager

The BpyTOP tool is not included in the official Ubuntu apt repository. However, if you add the external Debian repository Azlux, you can install the BpyTOP resource monitoring program on Ubuntu/Debian distributions. Therefore, add the Azlux repository and download the repository’s GPG key to your system by executing the command below:

$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azlux.list

Add an external azlux's repository on Ubuntu 20.04

$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

Import the repository's GPG key

After adding the Azlux repository, update the apt package list by running the following command:

$ sudo apt update

Update apt packages list of Ubuntu 20.04 system

Now install the BpyTOP tool using the command below:

$ sudo apt install bpytop

Install BpyTOP tool using apt package manager

Method 2: Install BpyTOP with the Python PIP

Another method to install BpyTOP is to use the pip library. Therefore, install pip by executing the command given below:

$ sudo apt install python3-pip

Install python pip tool on Ubuntu system

After the installation of pip3 is complete, install the BpyTOP tool using the python-pip module as follows:

$ sudo pip3 install bpytop

Install BpyTOP using python pip module

Check the installed BpyTOP version by running the following command:

$ BpyTOP --version

Check BpyTOP version

Method 3: Installing BpyTOP by compiling from source using the git repository

Sometimes Linux users prefer to use the Git repository to install the software. In this case, the BpyTOP tool can be installed on your Ubuntu system by compiling the source code with the Git repository. First, make sure that the Git tool is installed on your Ubuntu system. Otherwise, you can install it by executing the command below:

$ sudo apt-get install git

Install git using apt command

Then clone the package using the Git repository from Github. The following commands will show you how to install the BpyTOP utility via the Git repository:

$ git clone

Clone BpyTOP repository using git clone command

Navigate to the BpyTOP directory and install the packages using the command below:

$ cd bpytop
$ sudo make install

Navigate into the directory and install BpyTOP

Method 4: Install Byptop with the Snap application

You can also use the snap application to install the BpyTOP tool on the Ubuntu 20.04 system. So install the snapd package and then install the BpyTOP utility by running the command below:

$ sudo apt install snapd

Install snapd on Ubuntu 20.04

$ sudo snap install bpytop

Install BpyTOP using snap

Remove / Uninstall BpyTOP Tool from Ubuntu 20.04 System

If you no longer need the BpyTOP tool in the Ubuntu 20.04 environment, you can simply uninstall it to free up space on your system.
If BpyTOP was installed with the package manager, you can uninstall it with the following command:

$ sudo apt purge --remove bpytop

Uninstall BpyTOP using apt purge command

Remove the associated repository from your system as follows:

$ sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azlux.list

Remove the package via Snap:

$ sudo snap remove bpytop

Uninstall BpyTOP with pip:

$ sudo pip3 uninstall bpytop

Uninstall BpyTOP using pip3

Using the BpyTOP Resource Monitoring Tool

Enter the command BpyTOP in the terminal to start the user interface as follows:

$ bpytop

The following BpyTOP user interface will be displayed in the terminal window, where you can view details about the CPU, memory and running process, etc.

BpyTOP tool interface for monitoring system resources

Press “Esc” to switch to the main menu and the following options will be displayed on the interface:

BpyTOP interface main menu

Click “Options” and the following settings will be displayed in the BpyTOP window:

BpyTOP options

In the screenshot above, you can change the highlighted options. For example, we want to change the default theme of the user interface. Click on the forward arrow and set the desired theme as follows:

Change interface theme in BpyTOP tool

Press “Help” again and the following settings will be displayed on the BpyTOP interface:

BpyTOP help menu


That’s it for the Bpytop demo. We have installed the resource monitoring tool bpytop on the Ubuntu 20.04 distribution via the command line. We also discussed the steps to uninstall bpytop in all possible ways. Now I hope you can install and use the bpytop tool on the Ubuntu system by using any of the above methods. With the bpytop tool, the system administrator can easily monitor all system resources. You can find more help on installing the bpytop tool on GitHub.