Jupyter Notebook Installation on Ubuntu 20.04

Jupyter Notebook is a powerful and open-source tool for the documentation of data and scientific analysis. Python, R, Julia, and Scala are just a few of the languages supported by Jupyter Notebook. It has a kernel for each language, an editor for writing and running code, and real-time output cells. Jupyter Notebook is an interactive…

Categorized as Ubuntu

How to Install Jitsi Meet Video Conference Software on Ubuntu

Jitsi Meet is a WebRTC-based video conferencing software that allows you to communicate with others. A Jitsi Meet server allows you to join multi-person video conference rooms that function similarly to a Zoom or Skype meeting. The advantage of a Jitsi conference is that all of your data travels only through your server, and end-to-end…

Categorized as Ubuntu

Docker and Docker Compose Installation on Rocky Linux 8

Docker is a free and open platform for building, delivering, and operating apps. Docker allows you to decouple your apps from your infrastructure, allowing you to fastly release software. You can manage your infrastructure the same way you control your applications with Docker. You may drastically minimize the time between writing code and executing it…

How to Install Python on AlmaLinux 8

Python is a programming language that was created with one goal in mind: to make it easy for anyone, not matter their skill level or experience as far as computer science goes. Developed over 30 years ago by Guido van Rossum and still evolving today under an ever-watchful eye (but never too much), this innovative…

Categorized as AlmaLinux

How to Install Zikula CMS on Ubuntu

Zikula is a free and open-source software that anyone can use to build anything they want. It’s easy enough for even your grandma. Zikula means “plus” in Swahili language, so it translates as “more than” or “something more”. The name embodies what this project provides – an extension beyond common web technologies with tools like…

Categorized as Ubuntu

How to Install MariaDB on Debian 11

MariaDB is a popular open-source database management system used in many production systems. MariaDB was born after Sun Microsystems acquired MySQL in 2008. MariaDB is written under the liberal open source GPLv2 license and is developed by some of the original developers of MySQL, who forked the project due to concerns over then-owner Oracle’s intentions…

Categorized as Debian

How to Install and Configure SSH Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Connection security is the most important criteria when setting up a remote connection between a client and a server . SSH protocol is the best way for Ubuntu users to remotely access and manage servers. SSH encrypts all data sent between machines, ensuring that no sensitive data is leaked. SSH encryption protects against threats such…

Categorized as Ubuntu

How to Install Fork CMS on Ubuntu 20.04

Fork CMS is an open-source content management system (CMS) platform. It has been in development for over 10 years and was designed to be completely modular – you can choose what modules work best with your website’s needs without any coding knowledge necessary! The fork comes from the word “fork” which means different things depending…

Categorized as Ubuntu

How to Write and Run a C Program on Ubuntu

C language is one of the earliest programming languages. It is simple and easy to learn. Formerly C programming was performed on Turbo C, a discontinued integrated development environment. But nowadays it can be easily executed on different operating systems. In this guide, you will learn how to write your first C program using the…

Categorized as Ubuntu

How to Install OpenCart on Ubuntu

OpenCart is a free shopping cart system and is one of the most popular open-source carts. It is a complete website solution that provides not only an ecommerce platform, but also an administration system to control your online store, and secure it against hackers. OpenCart includes all the features you would expect from a high-quality…

Categorized as Ubuntu